It takes a lot of effort and money to maintain a car. As you know, the older the car gets, the more money you have to spend to maintain it. Sometimes you might even have to face some unexpected car costs. So, how to be prepared and reduce car maintenance costs as much as possible? It is very simple. You just have to stick to a maintenance schedule and you will never have to face unexpected costs again.
Look at it this way. You go to the doctor for regular check-ups to prevent diseases that might cost you a fortune, or even worse, your life. Maintaining your car is similar to maintaining your health. In order to not spend a fortune, or lose your car forever, you have to examine and maintain it frequently. If you are a car gal, and you are connected to your car at a superior level, I am sure you already maintain your car frequently. Are you that kind of a person who doesn’t pay too much attention to their car? You might have to consider sticking to a car maintenance schedule in order to save money and preserve your automobile.
Here are a few tips on how to reduce car maintenance costs:
Schedule auto repair appointments in advance and stick to them
Defensive driving will for sure increase your car’s life span, and keep you safe on the road, but frequently checking on your car’s condition is the smartest thing to do. At first, it may seem that checking your car frequently will cost you more money as you may have to repair something. In reality, you save a lot of money in the long term because you know the condition of your car and you know when you may have to repair and when it is just a checkup.
A car guy fixes his car on his own – try it!
Having some basic knowledge about car maintenance won’t hurt you. Read the manuals and get to know more about how many times you should change your car’s oils, or how to identify any additional problems. You will be surprised how many things you can also fix yourself easily, and save money. If the manuals are not enough, that’s what Google and YouTube tutorials are for. Use them!
Check your car’s fluids frequently
It is very important to check your car’s fluids regularly whether you want to prevent future costs or not because it is vital for your car. To repair your car’s engine may cost you somewhere between $2000 and $5000, so, it is very important to prevent engine break down. By changing your vehicle’s fluids when necessary you will add years to the life of your vehicle’s engine and make it work even better.
Check your car’s tire pressure and keep track of your mileage
Another tip would be to regularly check your tire pressure. You don’t need to hire a technician for this, you can do it on your own. Again, that’s when the internet comes in handy if you need any directions. Moreover, you should keep track of your mileage. If you notice an unexpected and drastic drop in gas consumption you need to get your car checked sooner than later as this indicates potential problems with the engine or the gearbox.
Wash your car’s exterior at least once per week
You will save some money by washing the exteriors of your car every once in a while. And always use qualitative cleaning products. They might be more expensive, but they are safer compared to low-quality products that might easily damage your car’s exterior over time. Be careful to not overdo it though. Too much cleaning can damage your car’s exterior as well, especially if your car is brand new.
Ask your friends and family
If you are not sure whether your car needs to be checked and repaired, ask any of your friends or family members who know about cars. Getting a second opinion before you go to a repair shop always helps. You may not need some fixtures for example and you may get fooled by an expert that can easily convince you otherwise.
Try to find a repair shop that you trust
By having a repair shop that you trust and go frequently, you will likely build a relationship with the shop’s technicians. By becoming a regular customer they will learn your car better, keep track of all your car’s fixes and advise you on regular maintenance checks.
Use car maintenance comparison sites
It is very easy to get the best offers nowadays. You just have to do some research and look up comparison sites like for example to get the best deal.
Insurance, Insurance, Insurance…
I can’t stress this enough. Insurance is another great way to reduce your car maintenance expenses. Just make sure you get a good one that covers the majority of repair and damage costs and you will be fine.
Ask away!
If you ever need to find a good and cheap auto repair shop, but are far away from home and don’t know the place you are at very well, ask the locals. They will for sure have some tips and suggestions you can use. Go to a nearby cafe or dinner and ask.
I hope you found these 10 tips useful and will start using them! Hopefully, this will help save or extend your car’s life. I am sure that if you love your car you will do what you have to in order to preserve and extend its life. That is why it is always good to be prepared and spend some time, money, and energy maintaining it. Do you have any other suggestions or tips that worked for you? Let us know in the comments. Thanks!